Bigfoot's Haunting Call

Bigfoot’s Haunting Call

Billy Z. tells his story about Bigfoot’s Haunting Call.

Well, lemme tell ya, November 1996 was somethin’ else during rifle season down in Fayette County, WV. I was up on Cotton Hill, right in the thick of it, huntin’ like I done since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Been trampin’ through them woods since I was seven, and I reckon I know ’em better’n my own backyard. I can pick out every critter’s call from the trees to the hollers, or so I thought.

That day, as I was sittin’ there, breathin’ in the crisp mornin’ air, waitin’ for a deer to wander by, somethin’ wild happened. The woods got all quiet-like, and then there it was—a noise, a sound, a caterwaul or somethin’ that sent shivers down my spine. It weren’t no owl, coyote, or bear. Heck, it weren’t nothin’ I’d ever heard before, and that’s sayin’ somethin’, seein’ as I spent more time in them woods than in school, which might explain why I flunked English for ten years straight.

This sound, it was eerie, like the forest was tryin’ to talk to me, but in a language I ain’t never learned. It was kinda like a howl mixed with a screech, echoing all ghostly-like through the trees. Gave me the heebie-jeebies, I tell ya. My grandpappy always said the woods had secrets, but I always thought he was just full of hot air. Now, I’m not so sure.

Maybe it was the spirit of Cotton Hill itself, or maybe some critter science ain’t discovered yet. I just sat there, clutchin’ my rifle, wonderin’ if I should run or stay put. I didn’t see nothin’, but that sound painted pictures in my mind, and none of ’em was pretty.I reckon you could say I’m a bit stumped. So, I’m askin’ y’all—what d’ya think it coulda been? The woods might be familiar, but sometimes they remind ya there’s still a heap of mystery out there, waitin’ for folks like us to stumble upon it.

Editors Note: As an editor, I find Bigfoot’s Haunting Call captivating and sincere. Your vivid account of that November day in Fayette County, WV, brings the woods and its mysteries to life. Your honesty in sharing your experiences, despite the challenges with English, adds a genuine touch that makes your narrative all the more compelling. Thank you for inviting us into your world and reminding us of the wonder and enigma that nature holds. Your story encourages us to listen and observe with open minds, for there’s always something new to discover, even in familiar places.


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