Bigfoot Lives

Missouri Bigfoot Sighting!

Richard B. Reports his Missouri Bigfoot Sighting!

I have been less than 40 feet from what I believe was a Sasquatch.

It was in Missouri in the mid 80’s about a mile west of Midridge on what was a dirt road at the time!

I was there for a funeral but the funeral home driver got lost.  I decided to take a walk down the road.  This was west of the cemetery and right where the road takes a curve to the south.  I hope I have the actual directions right as it is a winding trip back to Midridge.

Anyway as I was walking I had the feeling someone was watching me, I looked up, and under the pines in the shadows was what looked to be about a 6 to 6 1/2 foot tall person but hairy.

Missouri Bigfoot Sighting - It was in Missouri in the mid 80's about a mile west of Midridge on what was a dirt road at the time!
I was there for a funeral but the funeral home driver got lost.  

As I looked I realized I could see no clothes and as the wind was quartering away from me I noticed no odor.  At first, as we stood looking at one another all I could think was to say Hello……No response.

So I lifted my right hand in a bit of a wave and to the best of my recollection it lifted its right hand a slight bit.

About a minute into the experience, it dawned on me that I was about a mile away from any people looking at I don’t know what.  I turned and slowly started walking away.  About 25 or 30 yards later I stuck it in overdrive and got the heck out of there!

If you like this story, you will really like Bigfoot Chronicles – North American Encounters book!

I went and told my friends and they started telling me about some old hermit that lived out in those woods and told me I saw him.  If it was a hermit he must have been roasting his butt off covered head to toe in fur in the summertime in Missouri!   

​The funny thing is when I got back to Muskogee I went to the library and did some research……. There were multiple Bigfoot sightings reported less than 12 miles from where I had my first encounter!

So, that’s the story of the Missouri Bigfoot Sighting.


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