Terrified by Bigfoot

Tonya F. tells her story about being Terrified by Bigfoot

Around 2008-2009, in mid-October my husband and I and his brother ( my brother n law), we drove to my sis n brother n laws home to visit in Maryville, TN.

Their house was in the smoky mountains! Their yard was the smoky mountains! My husband snd I and my brother n law we stayed in a small motorhome on my sis n laws property!

It was on a Saturday nite! I ended up with the flu, so I stayed in the camper in bed! My husband, his brother and other family members decided they were going to have a camp fire way back in a cleared out spot by the woods ( mountains), anyway im in the motor home sick!

My husband and all were out by the fire talking laughing etc, I’m in the camper parked probably 1/8 mile from them. About 3:30-4:00 am my brother n law comes in the camper to go to sleep. Since I was sick, I laid in the back of the camper, where there is about 2ft if that of space between the bed I was in and the one next to me! My brother n law ” Charlie” came in went to bed across from me! A little later, my husband came in and crawled up in the upper part that was over the top of the vehicle (the van type campers!

Anyway, I couldn’t sleep because I ached so bad from the flu! I just laid there. I could here crickets and all the noises in the surrounding area even at that time of year it was still warm enough to have the windows open, so I’m laying there felt like forever, my husband is sound asleep. Charlie is sound asleep across from me, all if a sudden I hear the most loud holler/scream I have ever heard, and it was long.

I listened, and my mind was racing trying to figure out what that is, it seemed like it lasted forever, but it was probably 5 -8seconds, I don’t know. But I was sooo scared I wanted to reach over and touch my brother n laws arm to wake him up and tell him to listen, and I wanted to get up and walk to the front of the camper and wake my husband up to tell them both to listen, I was so TERRIFIED, I couldn’t move I was frozen, trying to figure out what is that?

I noticed their were no crickets, bug noises nothing! It was complete silence when whatever it was that was hollering/screaming! The next day I did not tell anyone because I did not want anyone to think I was crazy or I was hearing things!

Ive been going to this same place for 30 yrs. been in the mountains, and close to them and would walk at night down the road, never scared!! I waited til the 2cd day and I told my husband! He asked me what time I heard that scream? I told him around 3:30-4:00am, well he proceeded to tell me while him and the relatives were back at the campfire they all started hearing movement in the woods where they were,. No one got scared, they all were born and raised there, so all of them heard the rustling in the woods, then they heard footsteps, but they knew it was 2, so they first thought it might be a hunter! Then quickly decided ” why would a hunter be in the mountains. Hunting with no flash light or anything to see with in the pitch dark?”

So my husband, and his family shined a spotlight into the woods, the foot steps stopped when they first heard the mthe family said it was coming out to wear they all were sitting by the fire.

So when they turned on the spot light the steps stopped! So they turned the light back off decided to talk amongst themselves and the foot steps started sounding like they were getting closer.  They immediately ran to the pick up truck and turned on the headlights, again the footsteps stopped! Then they eventually turned the headlights back off they could hear the footsteps walking away, again they were all thinking “who or what could be in the thick of those mountains as dark as it is?”

That is what was told to me the next day! I waited after that story and I told my husband and family what I heard! They listened to my story, I told them I wasn’t crazy because ive been coming down there 30 years, I was raised in the country, I’ve never heard a sound like that!

So I search the internet for ” bigfoot screams/hollers. As soon as I found the exact sound I was looking for I played it! When I did, I said to my family. “That’s it, thats what I heard!”

Bigfoot King of the Forest

Even listening to it on the phone I was just as TERRIFIED as I was that night! I know some didn’t believe me, but I know what I heard!!
My husband and I go every year there and I have never heard anything like that again!!

But after about 5 years my brother and sister n law, actually had an experience, and it was scarier than mine, and they finally told me what they heard etc, and that they said ” omg!” ” thats what Tonya heard”!

If u look up ” Bigfoot scream, the [yell] that was caught on audio I believe in 1971 in I Belview Washington, ” it says the most recorded real Bigfoot scream” something to that matter!

​That is exactly what I heard and it gave me chills and TERRIFIED me to listen to it! Im glad I heard what I heard, but also glad my family heard it a few years later so they knew I wasn’t crazy


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